Channel: Red Bull BC One
Category: Entertainment
Tags: freestylebboybreak danceb boy dancebreak dancingbboy lil zoo 2022bboy cypher battlered bull bboy battlebc1red bull cypherbboy battle 2022bconebreakdance battlelil zoolil zoo red bullbreakingred bull bboybboy lil zoolil zoo bboyred bull bc one 2022red bull bc one 2021redbullred bull bc one cypher austriared bullbc one 2022bc onebboy battle red bullbreakdanceb boyred bull breakingbreakdance bboyred bull bc one
Description: Back in the game 💯 Lil Zoo is the Red Bull BC One Cypher Austria 2022 b-boy champion 🏆 Missed out on Red Bull BC One Cypher Austria 2022? Check out what went down: Want more? Watch other Red Bull BC One Cypher livestreams from this year: ► Click to Subscribe to Red Bull BC One: ---- Giving wings to dancers and fans of b-boying and b-girling around the world 🌏 Whether you're a fan of footwork, freezes, power moves or flow, whatever your style, it's good to have you in the breaking scene. Let us know what style of breaking you rock with in the comments below! 👇 Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: #redbullbcone #redbull #breaking #bboy #bgirl #givesyouwings